TREZOR Model T Review: The Art of HODLING Refined
bitcoin wallet

TREZOR Model T Review: The Art of HODLING Refined

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinist has advised the latest TREZOR Model T Bitcoin and cryptocurrency accouterments wallet Should you get it Is there a acumen to advancement from the aboriginal Heres what we uncovered

Satoshi Labs, a Prague-based architect of the oldest and best accepted accouterments wallet, has assuredly appear its much-anticipated additional bearing TREZOR, the Model T.

Trezor Model T

Announced in November of aftermost year, the Model T costs about 120 euros, compared to the 89 euro amount tag for the original TREZOR One.

Unfortunately, the aboriginal batches were awash out about instantly. Therefore, you’ll accept to pre-order and subscribe for email notifications to apperceive back it becomes available.

The amalgamation includes the device, which comes closed and is about the admeasurement of a matchbox, forth with a USB-A to USB-C cable, accretion berry cards, user manual, stickers, and alike a alluring berth as an added bonus.


The better difference—and upgrade—from the aboriginal is acutely the blush touchscreen interface, which additionally agency that there are no added concrete buttons anywhere. Instead, a micro SD aperture for abstracts encryption has been added.

Whereas before, you had to attending at the accessory and the computer awning back entering the pin and acknowledging transactions, you can now alleviate it and accomplish all commands anon from the screen.

This is absolutely an bigger acquaintance aback you no best accept to attending aback and alternating amid screens back accessing your wallet. The blush awning is, of course, additionally a addition from the antecedent model.


Second, I was acutely admiring to see that the USB cable is assuredly best than 2 inches. I no best accept to get up and ability to the aback of my desktop computer back starting up the device.

Third, the TREZOR Archetypal T runs on an absolutely new firmware, dubbed the TREZOR Core, which was accounting absolutely from scratch. The TREZOR aggregation says that they took the acknowledgment from the antecedent archetypal and added projects to advance this open-source code, which is accessible online, for review, development, or adaptation.

The new firmware was additionally developed with “expansibility in mind,” according to TREZOR. This should accomplish approaching upgrades a lot added easier to apparatus bottomward the road, such as abutment for new coins, forks, and added features.

Starting up the Archetypal T for the aboriginal time is a adequately accessible experience, decidedly if you acclimated the antecedent archetypal before. Simply bung it in and go to the start page and again chase the on-screen directions, which accommodate autograph bottomward your accretion seed.

The action will additionally crave you to download the latest firmware and access a new PIN, which you will charge to access every time you bung in your device.

If you accept acclimated the aboriginal TREZOR, the user acquaintance will be absolutely the same. It is additionally agnate to abounding added accouterments wallets in the space, area you admission the wallet via a Chrome browser plug-in. Nevertheless, TREZOR has appear software alleged the Bridge to annihilate assurance and abstain abeyant vulnerabilities of the Chrome plug-in.

The blow of the acquaintance is about identical to the aboriginal model. The Bitcoin wallet comes with SegWit addresses by default, admitting there is an advantage to use bequest addresses as well.

I alone activated the Bitcoin wallet. However, the wallet interface supports 8 cryptocurrencies in total, apparently with added altcoin abutment accepted in the future.

The blooming Bitcoin Cash logo to differentiate it from Bitcoin is additionally a nice blow that helps abstain any abashing for new users.


Basic functions includes Send, Receive, as able-bodied as Sign & Verify. Advanced options includes Passphrase encryption, Recovery Seed Check, and PIN disabling (not recommended).

The home-screen customization advantage is additionally aback and looks alike bigger on the bigger blush display.

If you don’t accept a accouterments wallet, again I would absolutely acclaim accepting your easily on this accessory as anon as it becomes available.

Don’t accumulate added funds than you are accommodating to lose on an barter or in a careful wallet. With the TREZOR, you accept abounding ascendancy of your keys and your bitcoins, which are stored cautiously offline with this chic device.


Admittedly, you could skip this archetypal if you already accept the TREZOR One back you don’t accept 120 euros laying around, back your bill will be aloof as secure.

However, accepting this latest archetypal is recommended over the aboriginal back it is not alone a added aesthetic acquaintance and costs alone 30 euros more, but it will additionally be bigger at acknowledging approaching appearance bottomward the road.

Overall, this is a addition from the accepted TREZOR One, and arguably, still the best advantage for cautiously storing hodling your bitcoin.

[Disclaimer: SatoshiLabs provided Bitcoinist with a chargeless TREZOR Model T for analysis purposes]

Have you approved the TREZOR Model T? Are you pre-ordering? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images address of Bitcoinist, Trezor, and Twitter/@pavolrusnak.